USAW Membership:​
USAW Membership (Master athlete) is required for all athletes. Please make sure your membership is valid through the end of the competition (17 November 2019). USAW number and expiration date are required in order to register. Athletes are required to be registered with USAW as MASTERS athletes.
​Technical Meeting:
The technical meeting will be held Wednesday 13 November at 7:00 PM at the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel. Verification of entries (changing weight classes) will take place at 7:00 PM.
​Competition Schedule and Start List:
Competition will take place on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 14-17 November 2019. A tentative lifting schedule will be determined one week after the entry deadline of 13 October 2019. The final lifting schedule will be set at the final verification of entries, Wednesday 31 October. The expectation is that the oldest lifters will compete on Thursday, and the youngest men will lift last on Sunday. The remaining entries will be divided to balance the number and size of sessions throughout the weekend.
Weight Divisons and Categories:
Masters age divisions will apply 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, 85-89, 90+
IWF weight class categories recognized as of November 1, 2019 will apply.
Females Weight Class: 45, 49, 55, 59, 64, 71, 76, 81, 87, 87+
Men Weight Class: 55, 61, 67, 73, 81, 89, 96, 102, 109, 109+
As always, weight class changes may be made at the Verification of Entries meeting prior to the event.
Weight Category Change:
Please note that according to USAW Masters rules, an athlete may increase or decrease his/her body weight category at the Verification of Entries meeting (before the Technical Meeting). After the technical meeting an athlete may increase, but may not decrease his/her body weight category. The athlete must notify the Competition Secretary and report to the weigh-in of the original weight category to confirm the change to a heavier category. If there are any questions about this ruling please contact your National Master’s Chairman, Howard Cohen.
Records set at the Masters American Open are “meet records”, meaning they can only be set at this annual event.
Pursuant to the rules of USA Masters Weightlifting, championships are a drug-tested event. The US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) will be under contract to handle all testing-related procedures. The number of tests administered will depend on the number of entries received for the championships. Of each entry received, $25 is allocated to the contracted costs with USADA.
Medals will be presented to first, second, and third place for totals only.
-Best Lifter for each age group, male and female
-Grand Master award for male and female
-Team awards for first, second and third place, male and female
Team entry fee is $75.00. Each lifter on the team roster must submit an individual entry indicating he represents this club. Men’s teams consist of 8 athletes and 3 reserves. Women’s teams consist of 8 athletes and 3 reserves. Each team is only allowed 2 team members competing in the same age group and body weight category.
Team entries must be submitted by the same registration deadline as athlete entry. The Competition Secretary will contact the individual who purchased the team registration the week of the event to confirm the roster. Final Team Rosters are due in the hands of the Competition Secretary no later than 7:00 PM at the Technical Conference.
Official Training Hall: Inside the venue. All lifters may train at the competition venue designated area next to warm-up area.
Off-Site Training Option: Chalk & Metal Barbell Club. Please see website for hours of operation. Platforms, bumper plates, jerk blocks, squat racks
Will be presented after the snatch of the next session
(except for the last session of each date).
All official weigh-ins will take place at the weigh-in room at the competition venue. There will be a check scale at the Venue Hotel – Double Tree Hotel By Hilton, at designated room near the competition venue.
All Eleiko equipment in warm up and competition platforms. This is a 4 day event, competition from Thursday through Sunday with 2 event platforms and 12 warm up platforms. We will have vendors, concession, event shirts, etc.
10×10 booth space is available during the event: Nov 14-17. Please contact Rob Arroyo for approval. Tables & chairs availables and provided by the Venue Hotel
Robert Arroyo, Meet Director
Email: Fortisbarbellclub@gmail.com